Brown Eggs and Jam Jars

Today was just like most days lately, Kev headed back into work early and then came home to sleep off his busy night on call. And me and the boys did what me and the boys do.

Alex found a red stamp and tried to eat it.

Look at those little pink stained fingers.

I did some knitting (when do I ever not).

We had tacos for dinner and the boys enjoyed them too.

And I did a little reading.

Book is Brown Eggs and Jam Jars from the Simple Bites Blog.

This book was sitting on a window ledge by the front door here, and looks well loved, so I thought I'd take a peak inside. 

I've been obsessing over the idea of homesteading lately (I go through a phase where I am just dying to have my own little farm about once a year), and this book it a beautiful starting point.

Full of incredible recipes, stories and ideas, and the best part, from a Canadian home. Aimee Wimbush-Bourque and her family live on a third acre homestead outside Montreal, where they cook, garden and even raise chickens. The book is quite lovely, taking you through Aimee's seasonal favourites, and although I've only been through the spring chapter so far I've already found myself googling Sugar Maple Trees in Alberta.

Well for now I'll settle for stalking Aimee on Instagram and giving some of her Simple Bites recipes a try.
