Happy Birthday to Me... let's start a project together

Today I am 30.

That's one of those big birthdays, one where maybe you are supposed to feel something different.

I'm not sure that I am, but maybe that's just the consequence of being cooped up inside for far to much of this winter, with twin toddlers who need constant reminding that we do not hit, bite, push or headbutt our brothers, regardless of who took who's toy.

(This morning, watching Moana... again).

But I know I want this year to be something different. I want it to be a year of completing things (cough PhD cough). And a year of beginning new ones (this blog, new jobs, new home hopefully).

I don't know if people still read blogs, and honestly, I don't think I really care all that much if they do. But I do know that throughout my 20s I have loved keeping one (or more than one).

My life in a lab coat.
My life out of a lab coat.
Yarn Lab

But life gets busy and I stop posting. And I miss it.

But I thought maybe a new year and a fresh start might be in order. So here we go.

Yarn Lab will continue as always, the home for my love of all things fibre-y and woolly.

But my pair of Lab Coat blogs... much neglected as they are. Well my plan is to leave them up for one more year. Slowly move posts which are important to me over here (on Thursdays of course), and eventually take the blogs down in 2019.

As for A Nest of My Own.

This is where I want to make a refreshed go at documenting our little life here in Alberta. One that was completely transformed in an instant by twins, but will undergo a bigger transformation over the next 10 years as we find a place to settle and nest. And I know I want to share that process with whoever finds their way over to this little spot on the internet.

So, although my track record for making 'post daily' daily goals is abysmal, that's what I'm aiming for right now too.

That's all for now, I've got a plate of goat cheese and crackers to eat while the boys nap. I'll see you tomorrow.
